viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

journey to technos

Scene 4 SETTING in a workshop near the center spotlight. AT RISE they are escaping from the bits and the Supreme Technocrat when they find a workshop. They enter and they start to look at all the technological and different things that are there. Ginny: Willie! We have to return home as soon as we can! Willie: Yes, that’s true! But I don’t know, I will get crazy.. Shannon: Well, I propose to look at all these electronic things that are in this workshop. Maybe, some of them can be useful to return home. Mike: Shannon is right! Come on, look at all those things. Peter: I think you are wrong guys, these are all old things. There are not useful at all. Shannon: Shut up and listen to me Peter! Start looking for something please. Ginny: Stop fighting! Oh my god! I will kill both of you! Willie: Relax Ginny! They are so stupid! Let’s look for a way to return home. (He starts walking and finds something)Hey guys, look at this! (He points out and shows a creased and dirty box covered in dust) Ginny: What is this Willie? Shannon (Interrupting): It’s a hoover type 704 AZ so when you search and choose the world where you want to go, then, you teleport there. All: How did you know it? Shannon: (Pointing to the wall behind them) Because I read the instructions in the wall and I have studied the different models of hoovers at the Saint Isidrus Technological University. All: Ok, great job, Shannon! Mike: You will tell us about the university later, you super intelligent Shannon. Peter: I don´t think it is such a great university. Ginny: Ok, let’s move on. W e don´t have time. Willie: We will separate to do the different tasks. Mike and Peter will fix the wires inside the machine, Ginny and I will try to see how it works. Shannon: And I? What am I supposed to do? Mike: Go and cook us some cupcakes and wash the dishes! Shannon: Oh you are so funny! Willie: Stop fighting because we have to return home! Shannon, you will go and get the instructions so you can tell us if we are doing our work correctly. Shannon: Mike told me I sould cook and wash dishes! Who is in charge here! All (Laughing): You are! Ginny: Stop! We don’t have enough time, let’s move on! (To Willie) Do you know where is the keyboard to write the place where we want to go? Willie: It’s there in- (Shannon interrupts) Shannon: It´s on the wall near the instructions. Mike: Thank you, Miss Super Brain (The rest starts to laugh and Shannon looks very annoyed) Ginny: All right, thank you Shannon. (Looking around) Are we all ready? All: It´s ready, let’s use it! Ginny: Ok. Mike, Shannon and Peter go first. Willie (Blushing): Ok, I agree with that. Ginny: I am so sorry, Willie, I didn´t mean to take your place! Mike: Willie and Ginny are in love! Willie: And you love Super Brain Shannon! Peter: If you keep on fighting we will all die at Technos! Willie: That’s right, let’s hurry up! I will go first, Shannon second, and Peter third. All: Ok, let’s go! Willie: I will hold the machine and you can leave. Good luck guys! (Shaking hand with the others) Ginny: Take care of yourself! I will stay with Willie (She blushes) Mike: This is real love! Ginny seems to be Juliet and Willie is her Romeo! (Shannon and Peter laugh and the three leave. (The machine sucks them in and they disappear) Willie: Hey Ginny! Look! The machine seems to be on fire! Ginny: Oh, God! Let us hope our friends are ok. Willie (Concerned): If they died I hope they didn’t suffer. Ginny: You shouldn’t be so negative. I am sure they are ok. Willie: Oh, Ginny, you are so optimistic and cute. Ginny (Changing the subject): But, Willie, how are we supposed to return home? Willie: I don´t know. We will have to see what the problem is. I will study the machine. Ginny: Then, I will go around this workshop and try to find something useful so as to repair it. (The machine is full of smoke) Take care, Willie, try not to hurt yourself. Willie: Be careful! (Ginny and Willie blush. Suddenly Ginny trips and Willie holds her so as to avoid her falling down. Willie kisses Ginny and she kisses him back.) Ginny: I think we should continue working. (Willies starts to repair the machine and Ginny helps him giving him the tools he needs). Willie: We have finished! I am sure the machine is going to work. Ginny: Of course, Willie, I’m sure it’s going to work! Willie: Ginny stand on the suction platform. Ginny: I don’t want to leave you here alone. Willie: Do not fear, Ginny, I will use a stick so as to press the “on” button. But before we leave this place I would like to say something to you. (Hesitating) I love you. (They hug each other and, then, they stand on the platform of the machine that absolves them. Lights go off and in a minute, stage lights come up full. It is Willie’s house and the five friends stand in the center of the stage) All: We are all back! Great! They have arrived! Mike: I wonder what happened when we left Ginny and Willie alone. Ginny (Reddening): Nothing interesting! Mother (Coming in): Where were you? And why are you fighting? My God! Look at you! Your clothes are dirty and ruined! Go to sleep and do not leave your room! Willie: But mother… Mother: Stop it and don’t argue with me! The five of you go to the bathroom, wash yourselves and go to sleep! Peter (To MIKE): Poor Willie, her mother is a monster! Mike: You never met mine! (The stage lights go off. A new kind of stage light comes up showing that it is morning) Willie (Entering): I really had a bad dream! (Entering Ginny, Peter and Mike) Willie (To his friends): I had a terrible nightmare. Shannon (Entering): My nightmare was worst! Ginny: Impossible! I also had a nightmare. Did you? Peter and Mike: Did we all have nightmares? Willie: I dreamed that Ginny and I went to the city of Technos and we found Mike, Peter and Shannon over there. A group of bytes, bits, and commanders… Peter (Interrupting Willie): Are you joking? I had the same dream! I hate this life! Everything is always the same boring thing! Ginny: I can’t believe it! I had the same dream too! Shannon: Everybody is copying my dream! You are doing it on purpose? Is some kind of something? Mike: We all had the same nightmare, Shannon! (To Shannon) Do you think that we are all part of your big brain? Willie: If we all had the same nightmare, then, it was true and it really happened. Ginny: So we have to tell everyone about it because the world may be in danger. Mike: You are right. It’s an alien threat and we are the Avengers! Shannon: We should trust the scientists because they are better than the politicians. They are in search of the truth. Mike: Finally you had a good idea! Peter: Let’s go to see the scientists before the Supreme Technocrat brainwashes us! (They leave. The lights go off and when they come back the friends are at the scientific meeting facing the scientists. The scientists are sitting at a rectangular table facing the children.) Professor Adolf Vader (Greeting them): What have you come to tell us, children? Willie: Sir, we came to tell you about another universe that we have discovered. Professor Adolf Vader: Speak using scientific vocabulary because we do not understand you! Professor Victoria Chippie (Eating a portion of cheesecake): Don’t be so rude! They don’t know how to speak like we do. They are just kids. Shannon: I know a lot about science! Professor Vader: Silence! You are just a kid… Ginny: They are not listening to us. Peter: Adults never listen to children! Professor Victoria Chippie (Finishing the cake): I am hungry! Where is my lemon-pie? I want another piece of cake… Willie: Let’s go back home because they are not paying attention to us (The friends start to leave the office and Mike whispers to the others) Professor Victoria Chippie (to Professor Vader): I think you ate my lemon-pie. Mike (To Ginny, Willie, Shannon and Peter): I stole the lemon-pie! Let’s run! (They leave the scene)

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