viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

News reports

Murder in La boca
A boy was found dead in a river in la boca. His name was Luciano Arruga. He was kicked with violence and he was shot at twice. Two people of 44 and 52 years old found him floating on the river and they called the police. He had been kidnapped two months ago
Two weeks ago, he sent a video to his father saying that he had been kidnapped and that he was trying to escape, while doing so, when he was shot at on his leg. When he fell, his cell phone camera broke.
The policemen found the three villains who were hiding in a garage with guns and more tools to kill him. When they found the three thieves they were sent to prison and in the first 2 weeks in prison they were killed.
People think that the victim suffered a lot, but they think that he must have done something to suffer that much. 

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

essay of the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.hyde is a story written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The main  point is that Henry Jekyll tires to separed his bad side from his good side. He tries a lot of times to separe the bad side from him when he finally achive his goal. Then Hyde start killing people  for pleasure so finally Henry Jekyll commit suicide. the main themes that appear in the story are violence, duality of human nature and reputation.

The theme violence appears in the story, because Mr. Hyde is very violent with people and his pishycall appearance is like that. like for example when "Mr. Hyde and Mr. Carew began to talk until he came to Hyde attack and started beating him to death with a stick". and this theme of violence appears in the story, because Hyde kill for pleasure and no for nesecity, so he is a amoral person.

the theme duality of hum,an nature it´s appears in the story because his deporment seems to be like if he pretends to be an animal. his semblance is like the one of an animal with a lot of hair. his appearance is horrible, he make people scared about him."in my own side I recognize  my duality of human nature".

the importance of reputation it´s appears in the story because what if someone found out Henry Jekyll was Hyde he will lost his reputation, so Utterson can damage his own reputation. for Jekyll his reputation was all in life so he didn´t tell nobody about his secret."in the part when hyde goes to carew house he tell him about that secret that he have".

in conclusion the story the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde ia an amazing and asome story obviously have his borring parts but is written in a suspensory and terrorific way, so in my opinion is a great story, but in some parts it´s a little confusing like for example the part when the two investigators appear, but is a interesting and a scientific story, so I recomended this great story.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

news reports.

here is the news reports.

Murder in La boca
A boy was found dead in a river in la boca. His name was Luciano Arruga. He was kicked with violence and he was shot twice. Two people of 44 and 52 years old found him floating on the river and they called the police. He had been kidnapped two months ago.

Two weeks ago, he sent a video to his father saying that he had been kidnapped and that he was trying to escape, while doing so, when he was shot at on his leg. When he fell, his cell phone camera broke.

The policemen found the three villains that were hide in a garage with guns and more tools to kill him when they found  the three thieves they went to prison and in the first 2 weeks on prison they were killed.

People opinion was that think the victim suffered a lot, but they thing that he could do something to suffer a lot. Because in the diary its said that he was violent.

summarie of the movie.

here i have the summarie of the movie.

It´s a movie of science fiction called the x- men movie that It´s based on a group of people that have some special powers. they were discover by some people that told to the president to create some robots to kill them, but they were good persons, so the robots started to search them when they were hide in a far place. they think a great idea, that was to return to the past to change the past so they send a men called Logan that was the only one that can survive at the trip, because he never grow old.
when he arrives he start to find his friend in a school. he founda friend call magneto, so he told all the thinks that were going to pass but he didn´t belived him, but when he started to talked about his life he started to belived. they help a friend of them that was locked in a room with the most security in the world. with help of a fast friend they scape in a plane and found magneto´s  friend that had the power of transform in the person that she want. the friend that was locked try to kill she after she kill the president so she scaped with the help of his friends. the robotswere created finally, with the help of the lock man and he try to rule the world but the mutants with powers try to got him i n reason so they did ithe went far away and he killed the robots, but in the present robots find his friends and they killed them all excepted 4 of them, because he finallykilled robots in the past so in present all his friends appear with life and robots died. 

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

review of aza


this fascinating film is an X-Men movie,
 that is an American action film from 2000
 directed by Bryan Singer.                                         background info.
It´s take place in London
 and in new york and It is
 based on a superhero team
 called X-Men.

the conflict begins when they goverment 
thinks that the mutants are bad people and they
want to kill the Usa people. when a friend of them 
started to be a bad guy they said that they don´t want                                   main point.
to be bad with people, so his frind created a robots and 
started to kill people. the mutants stop robots and they kill them
so the people of Usa wants them like heros but they were coming
from the past with a power that they have to change the mistake
 that was produced.

the film is full of moments that are very strange that created tension 
to the caracters to make a conflict. what gives the film is the action and the                      
desesperation of the characters that is at the end of the story.                                                           
general comments.

what I recommend to the x-men movie 
is to be more clear with the events that
are happening in the movie at the very                                                           recomendation. 
end of the film, so for the people that 
see this movie can understand what 
has happend with the past. 

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

the war of Korea

                                                The war of Korea.

made by: Azarías Bustos.

One day there was ten people walking on the street Zara, Jack, Billy, Merry, Wallet, Mike, Milly, Carrie and Steven. It was all clear and pacific there was nobody, when they heared a noise like a gun shoot. If the people were caught with a gun, koreans army would kill them, but if not the army didn´t bother the people of USA. they went to see if something was happening, when they saw some koreans killing the people of Usa. Jack said" we have to hide here, come with me" all said "yes". they saw one of the comanders of nevada that was talking when the boss of korea shot his head. Merry and Steven started to cry and rachel said " we will kill these koreans, we will take revenge". when Steven shouted, koreans listened some noise so they started to run to their house that was in the trees. then they did some negotiations with some people that were hiding in the streets bto get gungs to kill the koreans, but only one of the ten people knew how to use gungs and defend his self so he started to teach the others. Steven said " come here, and take a gun, you are going to practise shooting " Rachel started to walk and called the koreans attention to lay them a trap. she started to run , so they started to follow her when she got on a street with no exit,koreans said " stopped you´re caught.
so his nfriends that were camouflaged started to shoot them and they killed some koreans. then they come back to their house. Then they practised more to be prepared to kill the boss of the korean army.
when they got ready, they went to the top of a building that was near the place were the koreans were chating, so Steven said" at the count of three we shoot one, two, three" all his friends shoot the boss of the koreans and he died in the act. when they were escaping, one of the commanders of the koreans shot billy in the foot, so the koreans could follow the track of blood. when all were celebrating one of the koreans shot over the windows and they killed Steven. they got paralized and they escaped by car. when they were on the car, Rachel started to blame Billy, because the track of blood was his fault, so he got very sad and he said he would distract the koreans. mike said " are you sure that you will do that, what will you do if they bsee you", so Billy told a friend had to give all for the other friend. that was the last time billy ever saw them.

454 words.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Intervención: Auto retrato

Estuvimos haciendo un trabajo al aire libre en el patio donde seleccionamos una zona donde basar nuestras ideas e expresarlas. Luego al finalizar tuvimos que sacarnos una foto en fondo blanco para luego poder trabajar con ella pegando fotos de las cosas que hicimos y recortarlas para poner un fondo en nuestra imagen y en nuestro cuerpo.
Así  es como me quedo a mi:

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Monologue - Drama

Hello I am Azarías Bustos and in class we have to write a monologue based on the character you have created. write about your character´s reaction to a specific event and give his/her personal viewpoint and then we have to created a video acting thi scences.

When I was 12 Yeras old one I was going to my school and I remember I saw some children playing football so i asked them if I could play with them and they said no because I was a stupid boy good for nothing, so I felt rejected. I only wanted to make friends.

I started to have nigtmares at night. I dream about aliens that were preparing a greem potion and i was tied to a chair. In school I rapidly turned into a strange creature.
I grew taller and my fingers larger. my skin is green and i´m bold. I hate the way I look.
Oh god!!!
now i feel very bad because my friends made me turn into an ugly creature that nobody wants and they do not know who I am so I am very sad and angry with my friends. Now I am living under a bridge, eating the food of the cans like a slum dog. I hide because all the people are scared when they see me because I am a horrible creature.


viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Dubai the city of the future

I am going to take about a place call Dubai  Teacher: Vicky Gregov

it´s located in the south of Asia near India, it has a lot of places like the city that is very interesting and safe. In Dubay the hot weather is about (28 to 36) and in winter (18 to 23).

It´s a beautiful city called Dubay ( in Arabic Dubayy. It has a lot of interesting things to do likesafari,ski in the ski place in the biggest shopping center of the world and it has a beautiful sea. For tourists it is a good place to travel there.

Only the people that has 20 years old or more can drink alcohol. People have to be all the days with the same clothes the men with white clothes and women with black.

Yo can do a lot of thing like going surfing, goingto shops, to deserts and you can go to the waterparks,that are so amazing.

As a conclusion it´s a nice place to visit, it has a lot of culture and beautiful arts, and it´s a safe and religious place. You can be very safe because in the city there are a lot of soldiers and the hotels are very beautiful and they have a lot of shopping centers and the places are very famous.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Mas poesía visual

 1) Que es la poesía Visual? Investigar definiciones y armar una con sus propias palabras.

La poesía visual es un movimiento en la imagen, el elemento plástico tiene en todas sus facetas técnicas y soportes y también predomina sobre el resto de los componentes. Esta forma de poesía no verbal trata en un género propio, y en el campo de experimentación.

2) Por que la obra que eligieron es una poesía visual?

»merror« by anatol knotek
La obra se llama »merror«
El autor se llama anatol knotek
Esta es la pagina donde encontre esta imagen.

Por que la busque de una pagina donde el autor hace muchas obras de arte, que tienen que ver con la poesía visual.

3)Que expresa esta obra. Por que les llamó  la atención?

3) Esta obra expresa que algunas letras van en dirección opuesta, a mi me parece que se están separando.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Poesía visual

A partir del poema " los difíciles días de la lombriz" de l devatech, elegimos una canción para transformarla en un poema visual.

trabajo de lengua yo te esperare

a partir del poema " los dificiles días de la lombriz" de L Devatech,elegimos una cancion para transformar la en un poema visual.

ami me gustó la canción por que es muy divertida.

Amor, esperanza y tiempo de esta persona es lo que expresa el yo lírico de esta canción.

El tema central es que el dice que la va a esperar y que la ama.

Adjetivación, hiperbaton