domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

essay of the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.hyde is a story written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The main  point is that Henry Jekyll tires to separed his bad side from his good side. He tries a lot of times to separe the bad side from him when he finally achive his goal. Then Hyde start killing people  for pleasure so finally Henry Jekyll commit suicide. the main themes that appear in the story are violence, duality of human nature and reputation.

The theme violence appears in the story, because Mr. Hyde is very violent with people and his pishycall appearance is like that. like for example when "Mr. Hyde and Mr. Carew began to talk until he came to Hyde attack and started beating him to death with a stick". and this theme of violence appears in the story, because Hyde kill for pleasure and no for nesecity, so he is a amoral person.

the theme duality of hum,an nature it´s appears in the story because his deporment seems to be like if he pretends to be an animal. his semblance is like the one of an animal with a lot of hair. his appearance is horrible, he make people scared about him."in my own side I recognize  my duality of human nature".

the importance of reputation it´s appears in the story because what if someone found out Henry Jekyll was Hyde he will lost his reputation, so Utterson can damage his own reputation. for Jekyll his reputation was all in life so he didn´t tell nobody about his secret."in the part when hyde goes to carew house he tell him about that secret that he have".

in conclusion the story the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde ia an amazing and asome story obviously have his borring parts but is written in a suspensory and terrorific way, so in my opinion is a great story, but in some parts it´s a little confusing like for example the part when the two investigators appear, but is a interesting and a scientific story, so I recomended this great story.

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