martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Essay of the Clod and the pebble

Here is mi essay!

                                                      The clod and the pebble.

In this essay I will develop the poem ¨The clod and the Pebble¨, Written by William Blake. This poem has a theme of love that talks about the positive way of love and the negative way. The idea of love represented the poem. 

The basic theme of the poem is love, one quotation can be ¨ And builds a Hell in Heaven´s despite ¨. My thesis is that I think that the author tries to make as understand the love in the good and the bad way. ¨ Joys in another´s loss of ease ¨.

A literary device can be ¨and builds a heaven in hell´s despair ¨, this device explains to as that when all was going bad the love transformed the bad things in good ones.

On my point of view this poem make feel  in a way reflected, because I have passed for this things of the negative way of love and the positive also, but also this poem makes me feel good because in a way this explain to me that love is difficult.  

1 comentario:

  1. Aza: First of all, you need to change the colours of your entries. I had to select the text so that it appears as something legible.
    That being said, let´s try to organise your essay a little bit:

    - Introduction: your thesis statement goes here, in the 1st paragraph. So you should specify what two ideas of love the poem presents.

    - Body: use one paragraph to analyse the clod´s point of view and another one for the pebble´s. Quote at least two lines in each paragraph, mention what literary devices are used and explain what ideas or feelings these lines transmit.

    - Conclusion: What you wrote is a very good start. Your reflection "love is difficult" is very interesting. Try to expand on this idea. Why is love difficult, according to the poem? I would like to know what you think.

    Once you rewrite your essay, publish it and I will grade it.
    I´m glad of the effort you made in this first essay! It´s good to see how your English skills are improving each year!
