miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Aims for learning a foreign language

First of all I would like to consider that learning a new language is not so easy, Imagine that our brains are trained out for two languages and we add other, that would be difficult and very outstanding from us, but it has it advantages and disadvantages.

On one hand the ability of learning more than two languages can contribute to us in many aspects as gaining better works or entering to better universities, that can be an advantage. Another can be to increase your methods of work in a amor way to gain more experience and to be ascended at work, Also knowing other languages can help you when travel, and to make foreign friends that one day can give you a hand.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of learning different languages can make you lost when you are studying similar words and can bother you in a few ways, but for me in this case the disadvantages aren´t to much important because learning new languages helps everyone to improve in all their languages.

To conclude, i think that there are more advantages than disadvantages due to the fact learning new idioms has been proved successfully helping a lot of people to improve their thoughts.

Evolución genetica..

En la clase de Biología se nos asigno una tarea en donde tuvimos que comparar el termino evolución con(Genes, ADN, proteínas y la población) y con esto tuvimos que hacer un texto que hable de estos 6 términos relacionados. 

En general la evolución hace referencia a los cambios en la secuencia de nucleótidos del ADN que han ocurrido durante la historia de las especies diferenciándolas de sus ancestros. Un gen se define como una secuencia de nucleótidos que contiene la información para sintetizar una proteína las cuales son creadas por cadenas largas de aminoácidos, o como una secuencia de nucleótidos específica para un tipo particular de ARN y el campo de la evolución molecular se encarga de el al igual que lo hace con las proteínas. Este campo se entrelaza con la genética de poblaciones clásica, compartiendo ciertas propiedades biológicas las cuales producen alta cohesion reproductiva.

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Roosevelt essay

The election was an outstanding victory for Roosevelt. He won by 7 million votes and the Democrats won a majority of seats in Congress. It was the worst defeat the Republicans had ever suffered.

There were many reasons why this happened. One of the most important ones was the Republican policies. The Laissez-Faire policy believed that the job of the president was to leave the business man alone and not interfere. The republicans believed in import tariffs which made it expensive to import foreign goods, these tariffs protected businesses against foreign competition and allowed Americans companies to grow rapidly which helped American boom. The republicans kept taxation as low as possible because they believed that the rich people spend their money on American goods. They also allowed the development of trusts. These were huge super-corporations which dominated industry.

Hoover was unable to solve the problems of the Depression because he never accepted the problem and he did nothing to find a solution. He was regarded as do nothing, he started to restart the economy also he tried to persuade business leaders no to cut wages and he tried to protect US industries by introducing tariffs. When he tried to do something it was worse or too late.

In contrast Roosevelt main characteristics as a politician were that he believed in active government to improve the lives of ordinary people, he had plans to spend public money on getting people back to work and he was not afraid to ask for advice on important wide range of experts.

To conclude we can say that Roosevelt understood that people wanted a change and action. He promised the American people a new deal and the defeated the Republicans both in presidency and in the Congress 

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

La esperanza que jamas llego...

Como trabajo grupal construimos un cuento con una referencia acerca de un viaje al espacio, en la cual un hombre viaja hacia el espacio y queda varado sin la mínima esperanza de poder volver a la Tierra, solo sus recuerdos quedarían en su mente y como trabajo individual nos toco publicarlo en nuestros blogs. Gracias a este trabajo pudimos aprender mas acerca del método de Lodge y sobre los diferentes tipos de focalización. Es una focalización externa, tercera persona fija, Pancronica, narrador omnipotente. Se describe al personaje según el metodo de Lodge actuando y describiendo su biografía.

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Email Letter

Dear Tom,
I know that a lot of exams keep stacking up and you´re getting stressed, maybe you´re taking this situation too seriously, you don´t have to worry about this, you need to focus more on the important things. Every time I need to study for an exam, I reward myself every time I finish reading a page like eating a chocolate, that can help you, stimulating your brain, or fruit. Furthermore, I often drink coffee so as to not get tired or sleepy. Also the idea of doing summaries and highlighting important things will be useful for you, so that you won´t have to study too many things altogether, that would help you to organize yourself. This happened to me last year I was in the same situation (as you), but believe me, you will end up accomplishing everything you set out to achieve. Also getting professional help can make you distinguish the important information form the unimportant information, may sure you take breaks when studying so as not to get too stressed. If none of these options help you to improve your ways of studying come to see me, I will help you personally and see if we can figure something out.

Good luck Tom, I hope you can solve this. See you. 

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Essay exam

Essay exam
During the 1920s, USA was in a boom. The growth of the country was fast, because of new methods and technologies that industries were developing. The population was divided in people who was able to buy items as radio or cars and the poor’s that couldn´t, because of these the banks gave credits to the people to pay in different pays, Also the hire purchase helped people to buy more things and also they could reserve money in the case they were unemployed. However the overproduction left industries in bankrupt because of the mass production and other factors.

To start, the republican policies were able to maintain taxes low, so people could spend more money, this method was the Laissez-Faire, In addition people with low payment couldn´t bought a car or others items, so they used to asked banks to give them credits. Finally people could buy products and in order to this the economy was growing. Industries also get involved with credits, for new machinery and methods to enhance the production to afford more money. The hire purchase was used in some cases in the motor industry. Lots of Americans take this new “option” of buying and then paying, and this was very used when car productions were revolutionized by Henry Ford. A new scheme similar to these one appeared, and it was people who transform in “Speculators”. This people “Speculators” have to pay the 10% of the cash needed to start buying shares and when the price rises they started selling them making more money and because of this a lot of people that was in a bad economic way, change gaining lots of money and from entering the stock market that was an easy and quick way to get rich and afford money, because of the loans of banks.

Unfortunately, The overproduction was passing an economic problem, why?, because as people were helped by credits increasing production, people did not wanted to continue buying more because they had what they want due to the stock market and propagandas, so industries cannot sold the same amount of money they were used to, as also this problem caused unemployment and dissatisfaction of population. Moreover industries went bankrupt and also banks, because as people had what they want they don’t have money to give loans, Also Europe was the most affected in economy ways, because the first world war was in process and Europe countries were destroyed and poorly bad that they couldn´t buy things to America, and also Japan exploits in the far East. Despite the appearance of the industries like electric industries and petrol too many others industries were replaced by this one´s losing importance and causing unemployment. Petrol to developed plastic was not on the interest for credits and hire purchase, even though petrol was used in the majority of the industries, the overproduction was led to unemployed and poverty starting again the affections of the boom.

In conclusion, however industries were bankrupt and people were not going to spend more money, the hire purchase, the credits and the loans gave by banks helped the government of USA to major their economy in the 1|920s as a good action to help people affected by the boom.