Dear Tom,
I know that
a lot of exams keep stacking up and you´re getting stressed, maybe you´re
taking this situation too seriously, you don´t have to worry about this, you
need to focus more on the important things. Every time I need to study for an
exam, I reward myself every time I finish reading a page like eating a
chocolate, that can help you, stimulating your brain, or fruit. Furthermore, I
often drink coffee so as to not get tired or sleepy. Also the idea of doing summaries
and highlighting important things will be useful for you, so that you won´t
have to study too many things altogether, that would help you to organize
yourself. This happened to me last year I was in the same situation (as you),
but believe me, you will end up accomplishing everything you set out to
achieve. Also getting professional help can make you distinguish the important
information form the unimportant information, may sure you take breaks when
studying so as not to get too stressed. If none of these options help you to
improve your ways of studying come to see me, I will help you personally and
see if we can figure something out.
Good luck
Tom, I hope you can solve this. See you.
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